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The Eightfold Path of Yoga

I teach a classical form of yoga, both hatha yoga (usually a sequence of standing and seated postures focused on improved strength and balance, often forward and backward movements) and yin yoga (usually seated or lying long held postures focused on the release of connective tissue and improved mobility), with emphasis on breathwork and mindfulness.

These aspects of the practice that I teach are based on the yoga lineage of a teacher called Krishnamacharya, sometimes referred to as the father of modern yoga. He taught and practiced in the tradition of the Yoga Sutras (estimated to have been documented by Patanjali around 200-300BC), which established an eight-fold or eight-limb path setting out yoga as a complete way of life. Through practice, the aim is on stilling the mind, usually through connecting the mind and the body through the breat .

This focus allows you to exist fully in the here and now, creating what Patanjali sets out as an end to suffering and complete freedom as your true self.

I will be posting more detail on the eight-fold path over the coming weeks, with particular focus on the first four of these eight aspects that make up the practice of yoga: Namely, the Yamas, the Niyamas, Asana and Pranayama. The remaining four, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi I will cover in 2018. our, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi I will cover in 2018.

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